News & Events

New French definition of extraordinary result

New French definition of extraordinary result

As of 1 January 2025, the French chart of accounts will change and significantly alter the way exceptional transactions are recorded. In addition to the practical organisation that this may represent for accounting and financial departments, it is important to…

New VAT rules for dropshipping imports into France

The VAT regime applicable in France to dropshipping, a widespread practice in online commerce, has recently undergone changes. The French Finance Act for 2024 formally identified dropshipping as a source of tax evasion, and as such introduced measures to remedy…

Drapeau France- Réforme des retraites en France : quelles conséquences pour les employeurs ?

Pension reform in France : what consequences for employers ?

Emmanuel Macron’s hobby horse since his first Presidential campaign in 2017, the issue of pension reform had to be set aside in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, before being taken up again in 2022, with a bill being brought to the…

Pilier 2 et impôt minimum mondial

Pillar 2 and global minimum tax

Following on from the agreement reached in October 2021 by the 137 member countries of the OECD Inclusive Framework, the model GloBE rules (Global Anti-Base Erosion Rules) were published on 20 December 2021. In the wake of the OECD model…

Nouveauté : les salariés français acquièrent des congés payés pendant leur absence pour maladie

French employees earn now paid holiday during sick leave

Up to now, the French Labour Code has provided that employees on sick leave: In rulings handed down on 13 September 2023, the Cour de Cassation, highest court of France, ruled that, under European case law (ECJ), these French provisions…

Nouveau calendrier concernant l’entrée en vigueur de la réforme sur la facturation électronique

New timetable for entry into force of the electronic invoicing reform

As of 1July 2024, electronic invoicing was set to become compulsory. This reform led by the French government, which corresponds to an international context of modernisation of corporate financial activity, has been postponed until a later date. An electronic invoice means an…